The Last Airbender 2 2017

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The Last Airbender 2 2017 Rating: 6,1/10 9492 reviews
  1. The Last Airbender 2 Trailer 2017
  2. Avatar The Last Airbender 2 2017

Katara stood with her hands against the wall. She took a deep breath and listened as Zuko removed his belt. She clenched her fingers into fists and waited for the sharp pain to come.

It was her fault really. He had warned her if she kept pointing out every time he scratched the back of his neck during the important business meeting, He was going to point out her love for punishment.

The Last Airbender 2 2017

Initially, Paramount representatives set the release date of «The Last Airbender 2» for May 2012; however it wasn’t released due to some budgetary concerns. According to several Internet resources, Warner Bros. Company is to finance the second part provided Night Shyamalan, who has exhausted his potential, won’t be responsible for production.

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She had brought it up one day after a meeting. Katara cringed thinking of that first night. She had counted over fifteen times. She wasn't able to to sit for days after. But it was such a good sting. One that reminded her to stop counting or not bring it up. Then again… The punishment was just so nice.

It was an 'accident' today. She had counted to eleven and when she brought up how much he scratched the back of his neck to one of her friends at work. He had overheard and reminded her of her punishment when they got home.

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So now here she was. Naked and waiting.

She took one look over her shoulder to see Zuko standing there, red tie hanging loosely around his neck and a few top buttons undone. His black leather belt in his right hand. She shivered but not from the cold air over her bare skin.

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'What was that number again, Kat?' Zuko stepped up to her. He nudged her legs farther apart. 'Twenty one?' Zuko pulled her hips farther out with a jerk of his hands. 'Eighteen?' He kissed her shoulder blade and ran his long fingers over the soft cheeks of her bottom. 'Thirty six, this time?'

Katara gulped she prayed it would never get that high. She closed her eyes as Zuko petted at her butt, knowing that he would soon have her slightly bruised. 'E-eleven.'

'Are you sure about that?' Zuko chuckled and pulled away from her. Katara nodded. 'How about you help me count?' He ran a finger down the ridges of her spine as Katara nodded again. 'Out loud, Kat. I wanna hear your voice.'

'O-okay.' Katara swallowed.

Zuko took his first and second swings quickly. Katara counting off the two. She gritted her teeth at the sharp stings. Zuko dropped the belt deciding it would be too much work to keep up. Plus he liked more direct contact.

He raised his hand back before slapping Katara's round bottom hard. His hand gave a slight tingle but once Katara moaned out a three. He knew she was enjoying herself.

He continued his slaps and listened Katara stutter under the constant sting. He rubbed at the reddening flesh. He was becoming slightly worried. He bent down and kissed the redden cheeks. 'Two more to go.' Katara whimpered over him. 'Right, Katara?' There was a slight hesitation when she answered him. 'You sure?'

Katara could only nod. The spankings she had received so far went straight to her core and even her nipples had began to harden. She felt two of Zuko's fingers trail down and to her wet core. She heard him 'tsk.'

'Are you liking this, Kat?' Zuko asked as he slid his fingers into her warm folds. His fingers finding a steady rhythm causing her to moan and push back on his fingers. Zuko took this time to slap her left butt cheek hard.

'T-ten.' Katara cried out. She felt the warmth pooling in her stomach daring to take her under. She whimpered wanting more. But Zuko's fingers twisting and curling inside her, told her that she was going to be here for a little while longer.

Zuko thrusted his fingers in and out of her. He kissed up her spine and between her shoulder blades. Knowing that if he bit right… here, right below her left shoulder blade she would come undone.

'Mmm… Zuko!' Katara's legs began to shake and she was having a hard time keeping her focus. How many times had he delivered now? Was the last one ten or nine? Definitely nine.

Zuko's hand came into contact with her again. He smirked when she yelled out, 'Ten!' 'Oh, Kat, did you forget?' Zuko brought her to the edge of her orgasim that he had felt building. Her walls were contracting around his fingers. He slowly pulled his fingers from her 'Maybe we should start over?'

Katara whimpered out at that. Everything in her coming down. Her legs giving out as she fell from her high. Zuko caught her with ease in his arms and turned her so she could rest her head against his shoulder. He lowered them both to the floor and kissed her temple. 'You okay?' Katara nodded and snuggled closer against her fiance's chest. 'You sure?' Katara slapped at his chest weakly as he began to chuckle.

'I'm fine.' Katara muttered.

'Good.' Zuko kissed her forehead and rose to take her to their bedroom. 'I love you.'

The Last Airbender 2 Trailer 2017

Katara mumbled a 'you too.' back before falling asleep in their bed.

She really did love being punished.

Avatar The Last Airbender 2 2017

  • One is bored and stupefied by what seems like an eternity of vacuous spectacle, cod-Buddhist tosh and clunking dialogue.
  • Call M. Night Shyamalan a Wood Bender -- this kiddie cast is as flat and stiff as particle board
  • [T]he film works so hard to explain its plot developments that it scarcely has any time left over to dramatize them. Exposition has not merely vanquished mimesis, it has burned its homes to the ground and sown salt in its fields.
  • Stilted dialogue, wooden acting, glacial pacing, cheesy special effects, tacky-looking sets, ugly costumes, poorly staged and edited action sequences, all shown in murky, cut-rate 3-D.
  • A dull, boring, poorly acted, limply written and thoroughly unappealing fantasy, featuring bland characters locked in a struggle of no interest.
  • M. Night Shyamalan's big-screen live-action version of the popular Nickelodeon animated TV series constitutes a form of Chinese water torture in which tin-ear line-readings take the place of drips.
  • Please, Hollywood, if there's to be another Airbender movie, hand the job to some efficient hack, and not to a once mesmerizing artist who's lost his way.
  • Christian Science Monitor

    7/1/2010 by Peter Rainer

    The Last Airbender is like a Care Bears movie that got waylaid in the fourth dimension. It's insufferably silly.
  • The current national priorities should be as follows: reduce carbon emissions and stop funding the films of M. Night Shyamalan.
  • All the while, Shyamalan creates an ever-growing sense of 'Who cares where we are; when will this be over?'
  • This is one muddled attempt at franchise-making: confusing, drab, sluggish. (Ugly, too, if you're forced to see it in 3-D.)
  • Stiff, fuzzy-looking, cloddish and disastrous in nearly every way, The Last Airbender looks as if it could have been made by the spoiled son of a studio mogul willing to waste gobs of money.
  • The puzzle of Shyamalan's racial casting soon becomes secondary to a much more pressing concern -- trying to follow the cluttered story.
  • It's rare to see a film so choppily edited, poorly scripted and spastically directed that you can barely understand what you're watching.
  • It gets real old real fast.
  • Even 3-D technology can't inject a much-needed extra dimension to The Last Airbender.
  • If you thought it was bad when writer-director M. Night Shyamalan was channeling Rod Serling, wait till you see him try to be George Lucas.
  • Minneapolis Star Tribune

    7/1/2010 by Colin Covert

    The Last Airbender is one of the most visually luscious and exhilarating entertainments I have seen this year, full of giddy fireworks and kinetic pleasure.
  • The TV show created an incredibly complex world over three seasons. This picture (the first in a proposed trilogy) tries to accomplish a year's worth of work in two hours. So we get titles and flashbacks, baldly expository dialogue and clumsy narration.
  • I can see why Shyamalan was attracted to this material, but the results are clunky even by his recent standards.